Friday, April 20, 2007

Runescape Cow Hides

Collecting cow hides in runescape is an easy way of making money for both free to play and runescape members. The method of making money will normally depend on the person collecting the hides.

There are generally three basic methods to make money in runescape through cow hides:

  • Merchant cow hides
  • Collect them yourself
  • A combination of both of the above
Merchanting Cow Hides:
Many low level players will normally collect up an inventory of cow hides and want a good price for them - they will generally not be able to get a good price and consequently sell cheap. Players can buy up these smaller quantities of cow hides from many different sources and sell their stockpile to another player who is training their crafting skill. In effect, you will be merchanting cow hides.

Collect the yourself:
This is very obvious - instead of buying the cow hides from other players you will simply fight the cows and stockpile them on your own. This is obviously a more time consuming method but you will be training your combat in runescape at the same time. This can help you make money and improve your overall levels.

A combination of both methods:
The smartest way to make money in runescape with using cow hides is to combine both of the first two methods. To effectively do this, when you are training your combat at the cow field (normally lumbridge), ask other players if they will sell their cow hides to you for a set price. Obviously the price can be negotiated by you but it will have to be lower than the price you intend selling.

Collecting the hides yourself will help improve your combat and asking others to sell their hides to you will help you establish a chain of suppliers. This means you should already have a buyer lined up and that you should have sufficient money available to always pay your suppliers. After all, a happy worker is a healthy worker that will continue to work for you and continue to make profit for you as well as earn a decent income themselves.

Overall, one key thing to note is the prices of items (07 runescape price guide or checking the grand exchange in EoC runescaoe), specifically cow hides in this case. The price is generally stable - but it can vary from buyer to buyer, so it is in your best interest to line up more than one buyer to be able to sell large quantities when you want and not have to wait for that one person to log on to buy. This increases your buying power and can enable you to hire much more workers and stockpile cow hides at a much faster rate. Ultimately improving your overall profit level.


Anonymous said...

You should write down how much each cowhide costs... so you know the actual average selling price.

P.S. It's 100gp ea... so a full inventory can hold 28 cowhides, you sell for 2,800gp. That much money in about 15 minutes... very great for low experienced players.

Anonymous said...

NEW!! free tip go to mine in al-karid mine full enventory of coal (162gp each) put coal in bank n keep doing it then after you ave at least 100coals note then and take them to grand exchange and sell them for the highest price and after few days you'll ave up to 40k!! so thats how i make money (i got full rune gielded)!!
c ya.

Unknown said...

well thats pretty good money for noobs but earn white berries. its members but its about 400k an hour. I earned a whip by doing this method. but it gets boring so get a friend with you.

Anonymous said...

Runescape has changed these past few years alot and now each cowhide costs 164gp. So you would have 4k and 600gp from 28 cowhides (a full inventory space length)

P.S.: Thats how i make my money:)

Michael said...

Selling cowhides is a gud idea. But if you spend 1g on each at either the varock or Al karid tannery and turn em into soft leather u make aprox 216g per piece!! I used this, it was a good method.

Add me if you want Milamber090