Saturday, July 08, 2006

Wine of Zamorak

Although Herblore is a member only skill on RuneScape, players that are non-members can still help out and make some money by collecting up Wine of Zamorak. The wine can fetch 1000gp each and is relatively easy to collect, provided you have an ample supply of telegrab runes and the required magic level to cast telegrab.

casting telegrab on zamorak wine

The picture above is me casting the telegrab spell on the Zamorak Wine at the Chaos Altar on the far west side of the wilderness, basically north from Falador will get you there.

Players who wish to collect the Wine of Zamorak would be best advised to do so after they had secured an order - since this will not be the easiest resource to shift, although it can be highly profitable for players who do secure large, or regular orders.

If you know any members who love their herblore and ranging skill, then they may be ideal candidates to propose collecting the Wine of Zamorak for as it is used primarily in herblore to make the ranging potion.


Pimentel said...

its a very cool way im doing now
and you can get EXP of Magic
with telegrab and also teleport
i use tele to falador then i go there
this sould be a guide for
Training and make money...

luxy50 said...

I use to make it risking my life and stats getting it witout telegrab but my stats have decreased a max of 47 levels in str (from 80 to 33)
Its a good way of money making =D!

Unknown said...

i hate when theres a nother player and he keeps take the wine and u cant get it and it just wate the law rune or maybe air runes if u use the runes and theres away 2+ players there trying to get it