Thursday, October 26, 2006

Runescape Money Tips Within Jagex Rules

As most runescape players are all too familiar with the temptations of buying runescape money either through online websites or auction sites, I would like to remind everyone that this is in breach of Jagex Rules.

Rule 12 clearly states that real world items cannot be traded for runescape items, including money.

With this said, I have also changed my search for this money tips blog from the original runescape community search to the new google offering for community searching, my very own runescape search engine if you like - although Google still hold overall control of all the propriety technology.

My aims with the search engine are to include all runescape fan sites that stay within Jagex rules so that the whole runescape community can safely search and find answers to their queries without being tricked into visiting a site that breaches any runescape rule. The previous search used did enable me to exclude existing sites, but there were so many already indexed it would have been too ominous a task to remove sites for every conceivable search query. Having the control from the outset to be able to add sites is a much better approach as it should lead to much higher quality results.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Big Bones on Free to Play

It is commonly accepted that free to play in Runescape offers less methods of making some serious money. One option that can be useful as you train your melee is collecting big bones from hill giants.

If you manage to collect a significant amount of big bones then you can sell them in bulk for 300gp each. There are quicker methods to making money, although this way you are able to train your melee stats and increase your chances of gaining wealth via the wilderness.

The hill giants are located in Edgeville Dungeon - or can be accessed near the Cook's guild if you have a bronze key to unlock the doors. It is a popular area and can often become crowded although it is worth it given the limited options available.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Oak Logs and Iron Ore

In free to play Runescape there are limited methods to make decent amounts of income. However, Iron Ore mining has been a longstanding guaranteed money earner for all those free to play players. The price of Iron Ore has increased over time and now players can easily expect to receive 100gp for each ore provided they have a decent quantity (normally 1000+ ores).

A relative newcomer for free to play players is cutting Oak Logs. This is primarily due to the introduction of the Construction Skill as the demand for Oak Logs has increased significantly. My advice is earn the money now while the demand is there as overall demand has now settled down and in the long term will start to decrease as less people need to raise their construction.

Overall, the traditional Iron Ore mining will always have a good steady demand as Iron is a necessary resource for the production of Steel bars. Additionally, the price of Coal has also increased in price and a dedicated miner can reap good rewards as they can sell at 200gp each when selling in bulk.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Pure Essence Running

Although running essence used to be pretty lucrative for all members on RuneScape, since the introduction of pure essence it has decreased in the number of people who run essence for runecrafters.

The affect of the higher priced pure essence means there are less people concentrating on raising up their runecrafting level and consequently there are less people who continually run the essence for them.
rune essence running world 66
The main place for people who wish to make money via essence running is still on world 66. The price of laws are still the same, but due to the reduced number of runecrafters, the length of time the runners may wait is likely to have increased.

There is still plenty of opportunity for low level players to still make a decent income per hour, provided they have patience and if they manage to get on at a time when there are relatively low numbers of runners to crafters ratio.

Overall, this should not be dismissed as a perfectly viable method of making money in runescape as there are still a large number of players looking to increase their runecrafting skill - albeit many may now invest some of their cash in player owned houses or other skills.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Wine of Zamorak

Although Herblore is a member only skill on RuneScape, players that are non-members can still help out and make some money by collecting up Wine of Zamorak. The wine can fetch 1000gp each and is relatively easy to collect, provided you have an ample supply of telegrab runes and the required magic level to cast telegrab.

casting telegrab on zamorak wine

The picture above is me casting the telegrab spell on the Zamorak Wine at the Chaos Altar on the far west side of the wilderness, basically north from Falador will get you there.

Players who wish to collect the Wine of Zamorak would be best advised to do so after they had secured an order - since this will not be the easiest resource to shift, although it can be highly profitable for players who do secure large, or regular orders.

If you know any members who love their herblore and ranging skill, then they may be ideal candidates to propose collecting the Wine of Zamorak for as it is used primarily in herblore to make the ranging potion.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Establish a chain of suppliers

A good tip for earning money in the longer term is to establish a chain of suppliers of the raw material that you want to focus on.

If you have a lot of regular suppliers of any resources then you can quickly accumulate a bulk amount to be able to sell on and profit from.

This approach is especially helpful for all players that are wishing to get into merchanting as a means to increase their wealth on runescape. Generally, the more suppliers you have, the less liklihood that you will ever run out of being able to supply people the raw materials they demand. This makes it easy for you to sell quickly and therefore making a quicker profit.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Wealth from the Wilderness

There are many aspects of the wilderness in Runescape and one of the most appealing is certainly player versus player battles. It can be a way to earn significant riches, but at the same time can end up bankrupting you quickly.

If everything was equal, and you could always rely solely on one vs one battles then there would be a lot less risks involved but the payoff would likely also decrease proportionately as risk declined. This is where player judgement comes into the reckoning and although great amounts of money can be made, if you make a bad decision it can end up being very costly.

Players who PK regularly will normally have had their good days and their bad days. On good days they may gain items worth millions, but on bad days could lose even more. The reason why there are such huge risks associated with earning wealth via PK is there are so many variables:

1. Timing - Runescape is open 24/7 and has players from all parts of the world playing. Subsequently, clans are also globally based and with so many clans in the game, the chances are you may run into a clan at any time.

2. Equipment Choice - There are 3 basic classes of player in Runescape - Mage, Warrior and Ranger. The wrong choice of class to venture into the wilderness could well seal your fate.

3. Food - different food heals different amounts of hitpoints and having a lower healing food could make the difference to winning and losing close battles.

These are just 3 of the many factors that determine how successful you are as a Pker on Runescape. One person cannot always outfox a group and as such many players prefer to PK as a group along with their friends and their clan. Again, this is not a guarantee that you will fair any better as your clan could run into a larger clan and quickly get wiped out before knowing what is happening.

The key to being a successful Pker is quite simple, always be alert, always be prepared and always assess situations before making rash decisions that can cost you and your friends a significant loss. Additionally, you should always follow the number one rule - Never take anything into the wilderness that you cannot afford to replace. Failure to abide by that rule is a sure sign that success in the wilderness will forever elude you.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Runescape Money - Wealth by Skills

In Runescape one of the main objectives for most people is to try and gain as much virtual wealth as possible. This seems to encourage a lot of fraudsters and does lead to many people being banned by Jagex for breaking the rules.

People are 100% aware that trading real life money for Runescape Money is against Jagex rules but that does not discourage many people, they still try to beat the system. There is no true substitute for shear hard work within the game while playing within the game rules.

Runescape offers many ways to make money, some require more effort than others. The aim of this section will be to compile all methods of money making within the game and use it as a resource for gathering information. By participating in this, you are helping other players who wish to get ahead in the game, but at the same time play by the rules Jagex enforce.