Jagex released the Grand Exchange in Runescape onto an inexperienced market audience. As a result, making money in runescape has became much harder in the current market conditions. Too many people are panicking and trying to sell all their unused stock of items as quick as possible in order to make money before the items become worthless.
Naturally, this should be a short term problem to the whole runescape economy as now all players can trade through different worlds as well as trading while they are offline. This means supply for most items far outweighs demand and prices have fallen rapidly.
The best way to make use of the grand exchange is to both BUY and SELL items on there. Most people are simply trying to sell all items and therefore do not have room to buy anything. This is adding further problems as people keep lowering item prices thinking they will get sold quicker if at minimum.
The main problem is NOT the price, but the fact EVERYONE is doing the same thing - continually lowering the price they want to sell items at. If sellers, as a whole, were more patient and kept prices at a fair and reasonable price, then anyone buying items would eventually have to pay the price requested, otherwise they would not match any sellers price.
Merchanting has been impacted a lot, as has the ability to be self sufficient through using your own hard earned runescape skills. All players should remember this should only be a short term situation and in time, the market will return to a much more stable place.
Anyone who is into their runescape skills should be realistic in the prices they sell their items. Ideally, the skiller would be able to make money or at least break even when using high level skills.
Currently, due to the panic stricken runescape economy, there are very few skills that enable players to make money efficiently. This WILL change in the long term, but only after the majority of runescape players fully understand that it is the people who SELL the items that are driving the prices of resources down and not Jagex.
I ask all players who read this that they make their friends aware that in order to regain stability to the runescape economy, people selling items need to set realistic selling prices rather than trying to undercut other players to try and gain faster sales... this will only continue the downward spiral in resource prices and will affect all future sales and ability to make money through skills.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Grand Exchange Impact on Making Money in Runescape
Posted by Latona at 6:45 PM 14 comments
Labels: free tips, making money, merchanting, runescape members, runescape money tips
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Making Money With Herblore
Herblore on RuneScape has traditionally been one of the most costly skills to raise. However, it has also provided players who want to make money the opportunity to gather up resources to sell to people that need them.
Since the shop update by Jagex, empty vials and water filled vials are unlikely to provide players with any solid money making potential. Although any money invested in empty vials or water filled vials will easily be able to be recovered by selling existing stock.
For members who are buying water filled vials from the shop, they should use their Karamja gloves to get buying their vials for a reduced price. Empty vials normally cost 5gp while water filled vials will now cost 10gp due to unlimited stock.
Non-members can gather up unicorn horns and limpwurt roots as well as telegrabbing wine of zamorak to sell to members who require them for herblore. Although there is not a great deal of demand for many secondary herb ingredients that can be gathered on free to play servers, they can always be used to stockpile your resources if you are intent on becoming a member.
Other secondary herb ingredients that are desired by players training herblore are white berries, red spider eggs, snape grass and crushed bird nests. Most of these are only available on member servers with snape grass generally fetching around 500gp each and other items around 1000gp each.
Unidentified herbs used to be a way to make money on runescape with herblore, although Jagex updated herbs to be grimy instead of unidentified due to the amount of people who used to try and scam other players by lying about the true unid herb. Nowadays, grimy herbs will generally sell for the same price as clean herbs - although this can still make players money IF they do not have an adequate herblore level to be able to use the herbs. It actually makes it easier for players who collect grimy or clean herbs to get a more competitive price.
As in all methods of making money in runescape, it is always advisable to try and work with other people - this usually involved establishing a chain of suppliers (or buyers) so that you can quickly offload any resources when needed, or to enable you to buy resources when needed. This all helps in helping you learn more about merchanting in runescape.
If there are any queries on making money through the herblore skill on runescape, then I will attempt to answer all of them on here. As always, I can be contacted on my main runescape help site with any other queries that I will try and resolve if I am able to.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Green Dragon Slaying
Slaying Green Dragons on runescape has been an easy way for many players to make money for as long as I can remember. However, there are risks involved and namely the fact that pkers will often hang about the area looking to pick off some easy targets - so always be aware of who is lurking nearby.
A basic inventory and equipment check for slaying green dragons is:
- Glory Amulet
- Anti Fire shield
- Rune/Dragon Legs
- Black Dragon Top
- Dragon scimitar/Longsword or Abyssal Whip
- Boots of lightness
- Gauntlets (cooking/chaos)
- 6 lobbs per trip (keeping bones and hides)
Players will be able to bank both the green dragon hides and the dragon bones at Edgeville bank or a bank of their choice. It can quickly add up to large amounts of money and can be used by players to train either their mage, melee or range skills depending on their preference.
All runescape players should note that market prices of items can change and this can affect the potential profit gained from slaying green dragons. However, the price variance is small compared to other methods and if lucky to avoid being pked, then this can quickly raise millions of runescape money easily.
Good Luck
Posted by Latona at 4:20 PM 2 comments
Labels: locations, making money, runescape, runescape members, runescape money tips
Thursday, May 10, 2007
F2P Mining and Money Making
Mining on runescape is an essential skill for most people to have if they are on free to play (f2p) servers. Mining for ores will take a lot of time, but will be worthwhile whenever a player is able to sell a bulk amount of ores for cash.
When I mean sell for cash I mean selling to other runescape players for runescape money and not real world trading - as real world trading is against Jagex rules.
Some basic mining tips on how to make money in runescape when on free to play servers:
- Essence - Level 1 mining - It is easily mined and can sell for a decent price to people who are runecrafting and making any of the basic 6 types of rune. Price may be up to 30gp each.
- Iron Ores - Level 15 mining - These can be mined quickly and will normally sell between 50gp - 100gp price range.
- Silver - Level 20 mining - Silver can be mined at the crafting guild and will normally sell for around 200gp each to people who are trying to raise their crafting skill.
- Coal - Level 30 mining - Coal is always in demand and can fetch up to 200gp each in bulk, although any price from 140 - 200gp range is normally considered decent enough.
An extensive list of runescape money tips is available on RuneCrypt and on runescape fan sites.
Players on runescape free to play servers can also make money by collecting cow hides, air running or via woodcutting. Obviously there are many ways to make money and it is finding a method that you enjoy and are happy to do for long periods at a time that will help build up your reserve of runescape gold.
Posted by Latona at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: free tips, making money, runescape, runescape money, runescape money tips, skills
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Bulk Items and Runescape Merchanting
Merchanting in runescape is one the the best methods to make money. The main reason merchanting makes considerable money in runescape is the fact higher level players (skill based players) will generally deal in bulk items.
Bulk items can be any resource (depending which skill is being trained). It is normally 1000 or more of a single resource, so 1000 iron ores would be consider bulk whereas 100 iron ores wouldn't.
The desire of players raising their skills by buying in bulk is obvious, it saves them a lot of time accumulating the resources in bulk rather than in smaller quanities, so they are willing to pay to have a larger amount guaranteed in order to gain the level they desire quicker.
This desire leaves it open as an ideal situation for merchanters to take advantage and offer their services to gather up items in smaller quanitities. Runescape merchants will spend their time gathering up smaller quantities of items initially and building up their supplier line for specific resources. In the long term, they can request their suppliers provide them with higher amounts of items (thereby reducing time taken to acquire resources).
As a supply line of workers is established for a merchant in runescape, it makes it easier for them to merchant other items - they simply ask their supply line to gather up the required items. This enables merchants to diversify a bit, although they shouldn't try and merchant everything, 3 or 4 items is normally enough for novice merchants to handle adequately.
One the supply line for bulk items is in place, it just remains to have an outlet - or a buyer. This is the person or people who will be training a skill and will normally want to buy in bulk to reduce the time of gathering up resources. The profit from merchant trades will vary from resource to resource, but any profit will add up in the long term and improve a merchants communication lines and ability to react to changes in the runescape economy.
Once firmly established as a bulk trader or merchant, any runescape player will have the chance to pursue some of the rare items such as party hats or santa hats. They will likely be able to afford them, but whether they decide to actually merchant the party hats or santa hats is another question entirely. That decision I will leave to the runescape player involved, although massive price growth is unlikely and prices will be unstable at different times of the year... so if deciding to merchant those rare items, tread with caution.
Posted by Latona at 9:14 PM 1 comments
Labels: free tips, making money, merchanting, runescape members, runescape money, runescape money tips
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Runescape Bowstrings
Bowstrings in runescape are a member only item and is an easy money making method. The process is very simple and can take a while to gather up enough money to effectively merchant them. However, bowstrings are always in demand by other members who are fletching and is therefore a useful item to stockpile.
There are three methods that can be used to make money in runescape when dealing with bowstrings:
- Picking and Spinning Bowstrings
- Using Miscellania for Flax and then Spinning into Bowstrings
- Merchanting Bowstrings at Seers
Money Making Method 1:
The first money making method is the more labour intensive and requires more dedication - although players will gain some crafting experience in the process as well. It simply involves players collecting up flax at the flax field and spinning their own bowstrings at the spinning wheel near Seers Bank.
Obviously, players can choose to sell the flax or make into the bowstring and sell that. Flax can expect to fetch 100gp while bowstrings should easily fetch 150gp each. Each bowsting will add 15 experience for crafting in runescape.
Money Making Method 2:
The second method of making money in runescape with bowstrings is to use the Kingdom of Miscellania to stockpile the required flax resources. When you collect the flax from the kingdom you can spin it into bowstrings and again expect to get at least 150 gp per bowstring.
Players will need to have completed the relevant quests in order to manage their kingdom and have deposited sufficient money in the coffers to pay the workers.
Money Making Method 3:
This method is basically merchanting bow strings. There are many resources in runescape that players can merchant, with some resources returning greater profit as well as involving greater risk.
Bowstring merchanting is simple. When buying the bowstrings the best location is normally Seers Bank or directly at the spinning wheel near the bank. Players who are spinning their flax may sell frequently in smaller quantities and therefore enable the merchanting player to buy at a price lower than the expected market value. The absolute maximum price to pay for bowstrings when looking to merchant them is 150 gp.
Ideally players will sell below 150gp and enable the merchant player to sell in bulk for 180 - 200gp. This can provide a decent profit margin. It is also a good opportunity for merchanters to build up a chain of suppliers for more reliable returns on their time investment.
Posted by Latona at 6:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: locations, making money, merchanting, runescape members, runescape money tips
Friday, April 20, 2007
Runescape Cow Hides
Collecting cow hides in runescape is an easy way of making money for both free to play and runescape members. The method of making money will normally depend on the person collecting the hides.
There are generally three basic methods to make money in runescape through cow hides:
- Merchant cow hides
- Collect them yourself
- A combination of both of the above
Many low level players will normally collect up an inventory of cow hides and want a good price for them - they will generally not be able to get a good price and consequently sell cheap. Players can buy up these smaller quantities of cow hides from many different sources and sell their stockpile to another player who is training their crafting skill. In effect, you will be merchanting cow hides.
Collect the yourself:
This is very obvious - instead of buying the cow hides from other players you will simply fight the cows and stockpile them on your own. This is obviously a more time consuming method but you will be training your combat in runescape at the same time. This can help you make money and improve your overall levels.
A combination of both methods:
The smartest way to make money in runescape with using cow hides is to combine both of the first two methods. To effectively do this, when you are training your combat at the cow field (normally lumbridge), ask other players if they will sell their cow hides to you for a set price. Obviously the price can be negotiated by you but it will have to be lower than the price you intend selling.
Collecting the hides yourself will help improve your combat and asking others to sell their hides to you will help you establish a chain of suppliers. This means you should already have a buyer lined up and that you should have sufficient money available to always pay your suppliers. After all, a happy worker is a healthy worker that will continue to work for you and continue to make profit for you as well as earn a decent income themselves.
Overall, one key thing to note is the prices of items (07 runescape price guide or checking the grand exchange in EoC runescaoe), specifically cow hides in this case. The price is generally stable - but it can vary from buyer to buyer, so it is in your best interest to line up more than one buyer to be able to sell large quantities when you want and not have to wait for that one person to log on to buy. This increases your buying power and can enable you to hire much more workers and stockpile cow hides at a much faster rate. Ultimately improving your overall profit level.
Posted by Latona at 7:26 PM 5 comments
Labels: free tips, making money, merchanting, runescape, runescape members, runescape money tips
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Runescape Air Running
Air running in runescape is a good way for low level players to make money without the need of any particular skills. The main requirement is that a player has the time and dedication to constantly run air runes to and from Falador bank.
As stated, no skill is required for this method of making money in runescape, but patience is certainly a virtue to have. Air runes are not as profitable as law or nature runes, but free to play runescape people can use this method equally as effective as runescape members.
There are two groups of people required to Air Run:
- Runecrafters
- Essence Runners
Essence runners, there are no skill requirements needed whatsoever and this is what I referred to when there were no skill requirements to make money. It is the running that is required and this can be done by any player whether free to play or a runescape member.
Runecrafters will normally be required to pay the air runners directly in cash, this normally ranges from 1,500gp to 2,000gp per trade. The crafter will be able to offset the cost of training somewhat by selling the air runes produced. It therefore makes sense to have at least level 44 runecrafting.
Runecrafters inventory should be:
- Noted essence (25 noted traded per time)
- Money
- 25 un-noted essence (or 25 air runes).
Posted by Latona at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: free tips, making money, runescape, runescape money tips
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Runescape Money via Woodcutting
Runescape offers various different trees to cut down and enable players to make money from. Members have more types of trees available to them than non-members and more profit can be made - especially with Magic Logs that generally sell for 900 -1100gps each.
However, non-members can easily earn significant amounts of money from cutting yew logs, oak logs or normal logs. Although it is more limiting and in some cases will require more patience as buyers for normal logs or oak logs may be in shorter supply, while Yew log buyers may not pay premium prices to non-members.
In general, when selling logs in runescape, players must focus on the quantity available. Most players will pay premium prices for significant quantities if they are trying to achieve a skill level quickly. Members will buy logs for firemaking, fletching and construction skills while non-members will buy only for firemaking. In which case they will normally look at using their own logs that they cut when training their woodcutting skill.
The target market is therefore members who are training either fletching or construction skills. For fletching, Yew logs will be desired more while players training their construction skill will favour oak logs.
To effectively collect up large quantities of either Yew logs of Oak logs, players will need to find the relevant trees close to a bank. Time is money, and the closer the trees are to a bank, the better. Some of the better locations for training woodcutting (and consequently stockpiling logs) are:
Free to play:
- Oak Trees - East of Draynor bank
- Yew Trees - 3 north of Varrock Palace
- Oak Trees - West of Catherby bank
- Maple Trees - North of Seers Bank
- Yew Trees - West of Catherby bank - below the beehives.
- Teak/Mahogany - can be collect via your own kingdom in Miscellania
Overall, woodcutting in runescape does have some methods to make money for people in the game and it has been a skill used by many players to earn significant wealth over time. Any player is welcome to add to the runescape money tips here or register on my runescape help site and compile a list of your own money tips for any skill in the game.